Chase is Leading the Way on Third-Party Ballots | Check Your State’s Progress!


INFLATION“If we really want to fight for people chasing their dreams and achieving their goals in life, the first thing we have to do is make sure we quit robbing them with inflation.”

Government overspending and reckless money printing are fueling skyrocketing costs, hurting those who can least afford it. By slashing spending and balancing the budget, we can crush inflation and ignite a stronger, more vibrant economy that works for everyone.

ECONOMY“When the government prints trillions of dollars out of thin air, it devalues the dollar that is in your wallet, that devalues the dollar that you take to the grocery story to fill up the grocery cart, the dollars that you use to pay your rent, the dollars that you use to run your business. And it’s time for that to stop.”

Americans are struggling in an economy where the government and special interests dictate the rules. To end these cycles of economic crises, we must reduce government interference and let individuals decide how to spend their hard-earned money, sparking real innovation.

IMMIGRATION“It should be simple for those who wish to come here to work and build a better life to appear before immigration officials at an accredited port of entry, be given medical and criminal checks to assess their safety, and receive a visa allowing them to immediately find employment. This is a process that should take, at most, days – not months or years.”

Our immigration system is outdated and inefficient. It’s time to break the partisan gridlock and simplify the process so immigrants can come, work, and thrive as part of our communities. Immigrants built America, and they’re key to its future.

HEALTHCARE“When I travel and speak with voters, one of their greatest concerns is the rising cost of healthcare for themselves and their families. Healthcare costs have skyrocketed and much of the blame comes from the overregulation of the market, and government keeping costs high as a result. We can and must do better. It starts with removing caps on HSAs and removing barriers that will allow consumers to purchase health insurance across state lines.”

Healthcare costs are skyrocketing due to government overreach. By embracing market-driven options like Direct Primary Care and reforming drug approval processes, we can lower prices and increase access. More choices mean lower costs!

EDUCATION“When you create one-size-fits-all, you create the cracks that students fall through. If I’m elected president, I advocate that federally, we end the Department of Education, and decentralize our education.”

To fix education, we need to cut federal involvement. Abolish the Department of Education, return funds to states and taxpayers, and get the government out of student loans to drive down costs.

END WARS“As the major parties become more and more war-hungry, libertarians have been sounding the alarm about the unsustainable military empire since its inception. As president, I WILL end wars and bring the troops home”

For too long, our nation has been entangled in endless wars, leaving scars on our veterans and their families. It’s time to pivot to a foreign policy focused on peace. We need to end drone strikes and military interventions, and instead champion free trade and international goodwill. Let’s reclaim our role as the ‘leader of the free world’ by pursuing peace and serving as a beacon of hope.

CHOICES“If you’re not harming someone with force, fraud, coercion, theft or violence, if you’re not doing any of those bad things, your life is your life. Your body is your body. Your business is your business, and your property is your property. It’s not mine, and it’s not the government’s.”

No government should regulate personal activities or impose harsh penalties. We must end the death penalty, corporate bailouts, drug criminalization, abortion restrictions before viability, and excessive employment regulations. The government shouldn’t draft citizens, tax individuals excessively, mandate medical treatments, or censor private communication.

JUSTICE“If elected, I will put an end to the Justice Department’s abuses and pardon all individuals imprisoned for victimless crimes, starting with Snowden, Assange, and Ulbricht.”

Our criminal justice system is broken and needs a radical overhaul. From courts to prisons, we must focus on empowering people, not expanding government control. America imprisons a quarter of the world’s inmates—an injustice in a nation that prides itself on freedom. We must dismantle the prison-industrial complex, end the failed War on Drugs, and eliminate qualified immunity for police. Abolishing the death penalty and ensuring police accountability are crucial steps towards a just and fair system. Let’s shift from punishment to rehabilitation and make our justice system a true beacon of freedom.

PRIVACY“Our Constitution clearly states the limitations on government invasion of privacy and its time we have a president who will roll back these excesses and keep government in check. I will be that choice in 2024.”

The worst abuses often come under the guise of safety. With warrantless wiretaps, FISA court abuses, and the overreaching Patriot Act, our freedoms are under threat. As President, Chase will dismantle these invasive programs, restore your privacy rights, and pardon whistleblowers who reveal government misconduct. Your liberty is worth defending! 

GEEN ENERGY“Nuclear Power is greater than fossil Fuels. It’s cleaner, safer, more efficient, and helps curb the negative effects of climate change. Solar and Wind and others also have their places too, but Nuclear power is what we need to power the 21st century.”

Chase will transform environmental policy by slashing red tape and embracing market-driven, science-backed solutions. His plan: end wars, respect tribal sovereignty, ensure energy independence, and champion smart deregulation.

GUN RIGHTS“Gun control throughout our history has been used to limit the ability of vulnerable populations to defend themselves. I support the right of every person to defend themselves from violence and aggression.”

You deserve the right to protect yourself from violence. History shows that gun control has often been used to limit the ability of vulnerable groups like you to defend yourself. I’m committed to ensuring you can exercise your right to self-defense, appointing judges who uphold this right, and fighting against any restrictions that undermine your safety. Let’s keep our communities secure and support your right to protection.


Chase Oliver has appeared on PBS, CNN, Fox Business, CSPAN, WSB TV and Radio, Fox 5, 11 Alive News, Vice Media, Reason TV. He has been featured in the NY Times, Washington Post, Bloomberg, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The Guardian, and Rolling Stone.

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