Chase is Leading the Way on Third-Party Ballots | Check Your State’s Progress!


Libertarian Chase Oliver has long been the leading presidential candidate for voters who want a choice beyond the Old Parties, thanks to having the nomination of the nation’s third largest political party.

Oliver simply will be on more ballots than any other grassroots candidate. He’s expected to be on the ballot in 48 states.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is exploring whether to stay in the race or to seek a role in a second administration for Donald Trump, which RFK’s running mate Nicole Shanahan suggested in an interview on Tuesday.

Chase Oliver has the backs of dismayed voters who supported RFK because they dislike Trump.

“While RFK weighs his options, I remain steadfast in my candidacy. My running mate Mike ter Maat and I are committed to seeing this race through November and are on the most ballots of any third-party candidate,” says Oliver, 39.

RFK Jr. put his candidacy before delegates to the Libertarian National Convention on Memorial Day weekend, but he did not receive enough votes and was out after the first round of voting. Oliver persisted and earned the nomination with running mate Mike ter Maat.

“Libertarians have stood firm against the two-party system for over 50 years, and as its standard bearer, I will continue to fight the duopoly powers through November and beyond,” Oliver says. “Join us and change history. We can break the two-party stranglehold once and for all.“

And, unlike independents including RFK, Oliver brings coattails to Libertarian down-ballot candidates nationwide, from governors to town council members. In some states, Oliver’s performance could secure ballot access for the next four years, giving voters more choices and making it easier for grassroots candidates to get on the ballot and be elected.

“We support all legitimate ballot access efforts, including Robert Kennedy’s,” says ter Maat, “We support greater political choice because we believe in American democracy.”

Oliver’s candidacy is certified in 30 states; paperwork is filed in 8; paperwork needs to be filed in 6; and petitioning is continuing in 4. He will be a write-in candidate in Illinois, New York, and Washington D.C.

“A vote for Chase Oliver and Mike ter Maat will help the Libertarian Party in this election and in the elections to come as we build a party foundation ready for future gains and success. This isn’t about a single election. This is about a generational shift away from only having two viable choices on the ballot.”

Oliver has listened to the concerns of voters nationwide as he became the first Libertarian presidential candidate to campaign in all 50 states, and is the only candidate in the 2024 field to do so.

Other firsts:

May be the first presidential candidate to campaign in all 50 states ahead of serving in office. Only four presidents have visited all 50 states within their terms: Richard Nixon, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama.

Earned a speaking slot at the Iowa Soapbox in 2023, the first presidential candidate outside of the Old Parties. He was the only presidential candidate to speak when he returned in 2024.

First Libertarian candidate for President to speak at Fancy Farm in western Kentucky, where he joined the stage with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

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Amber Howell, Media Director


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